What is Critical Craft Forum?

Critical Craft Forum offers real time conversations about critical issues of interest to the field. Anyone can participate and shape the conversation.

People like you make CCF into a platform for dialogue, discussion, and debate. 

Email Namita Wiggers at criticalcraftforum@gmail.com to collaborate on and create future projects.


  • unsettling coloniality: a critical and radical fiber/textile bibliography, a collaborative project by Aram Han Sifuentes, L. Vinebaum, and Namita Gupta Wiggers (design by Ishita Dharap) is available for download.

  • Instagram projects include building an archive of Americans of Asian and Pacfic Islander heritage working through craft for the month of May 2020. Project grew exponentially, with the number of posts matching the day of the month. Final project is an archive of nearly 450 people.


Would you consider making a one-time or monthly donation to support Critical Craft Forum?

Every amount adds up. Many donations in the amount of a special coffee accumulate to a good amount.

You might even consider a monthly donation of a small amount. For example, $5 a month becomes $60 a year, or $10 a month grows to $120 a year. If every member on CCF donated something, the cumulative impact would be outstanding.

Fractured Atlas is the fiscal sponsor for CCF; one time or monthly donations are easy via this link:
